Trauma Self Help Resources By EMDR Specialists


Right now, everything is bananas.  Things are up and down, left and right.  Everything is so unpredictable and you just need everything to slooooooooow down.  You’re not at that place where you need to formally talk with a trauma therapist (yet?) - but you need a couple tools to help.

Trauma Self Help Resources

You’ve come to the right place!  First off, give yourself some kudos for acknowledging that you need a little extra self care right now.  In this post I talk about embracing emotions and have a couple of grounding tools that may help you (it’s about halfway down the page).  I’ve also found a couple websites that I think would be helpful too.  

Before you try any of these resources, make sure you are somewhere safe!

It’s best to be in a quiet place without distractions (everyone with kids right now is rolling their eyes at me. Sorry!). Most people can try these techniques without any concern.  BUT, if you are finding you are struggling with thoughts of self harm, notice your substance use has increased, or find that you have really been struggling with staying in the present, I don’t recommend you try any of these techniques without a trained therapist available to help you.

gentle Calming Techniques for Stress and Anxiety

This website was put together by some trauma therapists in the UK and they have some really helpful videos.  It is specifically for front line workers - however I think that we all could benefit!  Personally, I like the butterfly hug technique and it’s something that children can grasp and use too.  I often use my own version of the 4 elements exercise to ground my clients as well.  Some of these things may seem cheesy - but it’s actually the cheesy techniques that my clients say they like the most.

For A Little More Help With Stress, Anxiety And Trauma

I also like this website for something a little more formal.  If you need more than some “snippets” of help, this can be a great resource. The actual intervention takes 45 minutes, so this can feel like an actual self help session. Again, make sure you are in a safe place and that there are minimal distractions. I find that it’s helpful to try these techniques for the first time when things feel more calm and grounded (another way of saying this - trying this for the first time while in crisis may be a little difficult). That way, you can practice them and they tend to be more effective when you really need them.

Formal EMDR Therapy

Many of us need a little bit more than self help techniques, and that’s where specialists like me come in.  You may need some short term help to get through these rough times, or you might have found that these times are triggering some of your past struggles - and amplifying them.  In that case, you might find that you are ready to finally tackle those things.  Whatever your situation, there is help!  You don’t have to do this alone - there is a whole network of psychologists who specialize in healing trauma and we are here for you. I am offering online AND in person sessions (with safety precautions) - so you can get help in whatever form feels most helpful to you. I know many other trauma therapists are doing the same. We’re here and we are ready to help you.

If you are ready for formal EMDR therapy, click here to book a free 15 minute video consultation for online EMDR Therapy and PTSD treatment in California.

Online EMDR Therapy and Trauma Counseling in California and Carlsbad, CA.


What To Expect In An EMDR Session


EMDR Glossary: Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing